A week long mastermind with CYP #SUMMERSKOOL educators.
Saturday Skool is a LIVE 12 week online course guided by Myisha T. Each season we dig a little deeper on our relationship with racism
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A 5 month group coaching program for white & white passing folx.
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The White Saviorism Myth perpetuates the belief that BIPOC needs rescuing.
A 5-Part Intro Series On Anti-Racist Fundamentals. Includes downloadable worksheets and community forum.
A 90 minute masterlcass guiding white women on how to be mindful of the space they take up in the world.
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Breaking The Addiction Of Privilege
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is a shame-free space for white women to show up and be held accountable on their anti-racism journey. The lounge includes, a monthly masterclass bi- weekly writing prompts, and 2 virtual meet ups per month.
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One of the greatest values for me is having the support of a community in doing some of the deeper work that can challenge my core beliefs about myself and the reality I grew up thinking I understood.
Abby Kojola
This lounge continues to help me identify racism in myself, my community, and society and I feel like I am beginning to do a better job holding myself accountable to anti-racism work as a part of this lounge.
Britney Stafford
Learning in community has helped me to explore how deeply I have internalized racism and white supremacy, giving me ample opportunities to unpack my privilege and find ways to take action as a co-conspirator.
Allyson Seal
I teach white folx how to live a more intersectional life. In 2018, I got curious about white women's relationship with privilege and wanted to investigate how unchecked privilege causes harm in communities of color. My human-first approach helps white womxn identify the ways their relationship with systems of domination impacts their ability to build conscious community and connection across racial difference.
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